Pop Open 404 Pet Nat.

Looking for a sparkling wine that’s as authentic as it is lively? Say hello to 404 Pet Nat by Sons of Wine. This natural pet-nat (pétillant-naturel) is crafted with minimal intervention, showcasing the true essence of organic winemaking.

Made from a blend of hand-harvested grapes and fermented naturally with indigenous yeasts, 404 Pet Nat is a refreshing delight. The wine is bottled before fermentation is complete, giving it a unique, frothy sparkle and a vibrant character.

On the palate, you’ll enjoy crisp apple and pear flavors with a hint of citrus and a touch of yeasty richness. The bubbles are playful and persistent, making this a perfect choice for lively gatherings or a casual evening with friends.


It’s Natty Champers Time.


Pure Sparkle, Pure Joy.